Introducing the Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children Foundation

The WPSBC Foundation was officially created in the fall of 2019. The Mission of the Foundation is to financially support WPSBC’s Mission to nurture the unique abilities of individuals with blindness and visual impairment through educational excellence and a lifetime of learning.

Harry Kilvanick, President of the Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children Board of Trustees, said, “The Foundation was created solely to protect and prudently invest the financial resources that the School receives through donations and grants, and to ensure that those resources are distributed to the School for programming, materials and opportunities for students that might not otherwise be funded by the state and local school districts.”

The Foundation will continue to fund innovative therapeutic programs, equipment and facility modifications, all of which enhance each student’s school experience. Its support has also been necessary during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Scott Cunningham, WPSBC Foundation Board President, said, “Over time, the School has evolved to meet the ever-changing needs of our community. The WPSBC Board had been considering the idea of a foundation for many years, and it now made sense to evolve how we raise funds and protect those assets.”

Being a separate entity from the School, the Foundation can focus on fundraising and managing the funds while our School administrators and educators can focus on their Mission of educating students and nurturing their unique abilities.

Cunningham added, “The creation of the Foundation solidifies the School’s financial future. We are called to be stewards not just for today, but for generations to come.

We look forward to supporting the programs at the School to ensure each student receives educational excellence and continued learning into adulthood.”